20 Simple Blessings Currently Making This Mama Happy


It doesn't take much to be happy. I recently read somewhere that humans are generally optimistic, with over half adults saying they have a "glass half full" attitude towards life. πŸ™Œ  The boys are constantly reminding me to find joy in little things--they get excited from seeing an airplane or jumping over puddles! We've started a gratitude journal and it's amazing how many blessings we currently enjoy in life and sometimes take for granted.  

Here are 20 simple blessings currently making me really happy:

  1. Waking up before the alarm
  2. The smell of coffee in the morning
  3. Laughing so hard it hurts
  4. That feeling after a good workout
  5. Finding money in unexpected places
  6. A handwritten love note
  7. Doing something for others
  8. Rainbows
  9. When my favorite song comes on the radio
  10. A good parking spot
  11. A clean bathroom
  12. Delicious + nutritious meals
  13. That "Friday" feeling
  14. Feeling the sun on my face
  15. Fresh vacuum carpet lines
  16. A new book
  17. Crossing everything off the to-do list
  18. Clean clothes fresh out of the dryer
  19. A good hair day
  20. Beautiful flowers (My favorite flowers, pictured above, are from Bloom Luxury. Click HERE to check them out!)


What are some simple blessings making you happy right now? I encourage you to write them out for instant happiness! β™‘


