My Favorite Snack Hack

I’m excited to let you in on my newest secret weapon in the kitchen called NatureSeal® Fresh-Cut Solutions Fresh-Cut Produce Extender! I was introduced to it a few weeks ago and have fallen completely in love. NatureSeal is a blend of vitamins and minerals that extend the shelf life of fresh-cut produce, up to 1 week. It doesn’t alter the flavor in any way allowing me to pre-cut the fruits and veggies we love the most without any browning. NatureSeal treats apples, carrots, peaches, and pears to name a few.

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Sarah LampleyComment
Six Ways to Beat Cold and Flu Season

Ugh. That sums it up, doesn’t it? Just... ugh. And when you’ve got a houseful of kiddos, a bug goes around and suddenly everyone’s sharing nicely. I’m really trying to avoid punching my frequent flyer card at the pediatrician (and my own doc!) this year, so here are some of the things we’re doing to stay healthy…

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