London's Birth Story

Wednesday we were 6 days past the due date and had a scheduled appointment to induce labor at 6pm. As typical of a Lampley, London has a mind of his own and decided after making us all wait an extra week, that being forced out by medicine was NOT what he wanted.At around 8:01am my water broke! Lewis had JUST left for the gym so I sent him a text..

He immediately came back in the house and asked if I was serious (I tend to be a little dramatic). I honestly wasn't really sure so we decided to call our doctor to double check. She told us to come to the hospital immediately. I think we were both in shock it was really happening. We took our time getting the car packed and laughed around the house with each other in disbelief.

We checked into the hospital at 11:30am. They had me change into a gown and checked to see how I was progressing. I was only at 1cm so they decided to put me on Pitocin to really get labor moving..

After almost 2 hours of contractions and not much progression I decided an epidural would be the best thing for us all :)

And it was! They won't let you eat or drink though, so by 7am the NEXT morning I was


thirsty. My sweet husband was kind enough to feed me ice chips..

It had been such a


night. We honestly weren't expecting good news when our nurse came in at 7:00am to see if I had dilated any further. Boy were we wrong! I was at 10cm and our BABY BOY WAS COMING! 

We started pushing at 7:30am and London was here exactly 8 minutes later.. 

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord."    1 Samuel 1:27-28

I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband. He goes above and beyond in every aspect of life, but especially when it comes to his family.  We shared the most amazing experience together through London and I'm looking forward to standing by my teammate for many years to come as we raise our boys.

"No one else will ever know the


of my


for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my


sounds like from the inside"

Jordan has been asking ALL week for his little brother. He was so happy to finally meet him! 

He also


his new glow-in-the-dark basketball gift he received from London at the hospital.

He was eager to hold him and asked if he could take him to school for "show and tell". He told me he has a cubby in class that is big enough for London to sit in :)

Our 1st family photo

Finally headed home! <3 Thank you to all of our friends and 

family who have been so supportive and helpful to us through these past few months as we prepared for our miracle. We love each and every one of you! And thank you, Megan (

Snap Life Photography

), for capturing these precious memories for us! 

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