Called to Love


"never get tired of doing little things for others. sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest parts of their hearts" -unknown

Love is the universal language. We all need it. And as Christ followers, we are called to carry it wherever we go. One of my favorite verses in the entire Bible is known as "The Greatest Commandment". Just hours before Jesus was to be crucified, people gathered around Jesus and asked "of ALL the things you have taught and spoken of, what is the most important.." and He responded with "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these" WOW! He was about to be crucified and he paints the most beautiful picture of what life is all about: To love God with EVERYTHING and to love EVERYONE.

It's been on my heart to really challenge myself + the guys to go above and beyond in showing more love to others. It doesn't always take much. A smile, kind words, a helping hand--all the little things can become big things. Jesus washed feet and said we would blessed and happy if we would follow His example. I hope you feel encouraged to love the people that cross your path today. It is not only a good thing but, along with loving God, the most important thing ♥