Atlanta Fair
London was mad I couldn't ride in the teacups with them :)
Jordan won both he and London a goldfish!
Literally 1 hour before we made it to the fair we were all a hot mess. Mostly me. It was just one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong. I had so many things I needed to check off my list to feel productive. Going to the fair didn't seem logical when we had a room full of laundry, unfinished homework and a certain 19 month old who refused a nap. But something in me knew we desperately needed this. So I said yes to cotton candy & elephant ears for dinner. And yes to staying out past our bedtime so we could ride in teacups, slide down the biggest slides and bring 2 goldfish home as new pets. Because we never get these days back. And because they will never be this little again. And because I keep asking myself lately if it's hurting anything and when the answer is no then it's an automatic yes from me. Now is now. And that my friends is all that we are promised.
Special shout out to the talented Mecca from Mecca Gamble Photography for not only capturing these special moments for us, but catching Leo or London when they ran off. LOL. Lew, Jordan and I are forever grateful.
If you're in the area when the Atlanta Fair is in town, we highly recommend it! The boys and I couldn't stop laughing all the way home.