30 Reasons Why I'm So Thankful To Be a Woman

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The boys have had the best time teasing me lately about being the only "girl" in the house. Today London told me "Mommy, I still love you even though you're a girl. I'm a boy & we're big and stroooong!" I let him have that one because he's cute. But because girls really do rule, I thought I'd write a little list of all the reasons why I'm so thankful to be a girl.

  1. Shoes. Because high heels, flats, sandals, wedges, OR sneakers.
  2. We're the best detectives.
  3. We can change our hair color.
  4. People open our doors + pull out our chairs
  5. Girls night out.
  6. Multitaskers
  7. We generally live longer
  8. Bubble baths with candles
  9. Cheaper car insurance
  10. Wanna be taller? Wear heels. Want to be shorter? Wear flats
  11. We don't smell as bad when we workout.
  12. Receiving flowers
  13. We know where everyone's stuff is in the house.
  14. The good guys buy our dinner + pay for a nice evening out
  15. Makeup for blemishes
  16. Having women's intuition
  17. Red lipstick
  18. Music--we can sing our hearts out to anything!
  19. No one calls you to move. They call your man.
  20. Being able to show emotion
  21. We can grow humans
  22. We can wear our hair a trillion ways
  23. We have better communication skills
  24. Blaming our bad attitude on PMS
  25. Wearing a wedding dress
  26. Nurturing others
  27. Party Planning
  28. Being able to talk to old friends about absolutely everything and absolutely nothing at the same time
  29. Shaved legs and a little black dress
  30. And most importantly, always being right.



self careSarah Lampley